Anyway, my cousin Erica made a list of resolutions and has inspired me to make a few early statements.....
My list (no prior thought.......)
- Shower and get dressed every morning
- Get/keep office organised and get finance documentation in order
- Exercise more. (Probably need a carrot. OK, when I hit my goal weight I will buy myself a car stereo!)
- Sell 2 guitars (I only "need" 3) and sell the acoustic amp (sounds more like a "to do" and less like a resolution, but if you knew how beautiful these 2 guitars were you'd know it will pain me to part with them. I resolve to do it!)
- Save money for retirement and Italy - $10,000 each this year. (Wow! Now that's a goal!)
- Teach Copper how to stay, heel, come, and lie down on command. (Sit is done.)
P.S. Happy New Year!
Good Luck with your resolution, I am yet to formalise mine, have issues with goal setting - but that is another long story, perhaps I'll blog about it!! Cheers and Happy New Year. Jxx