Friday, December 28, 2007

Family Photos by Jo

Hi. OK, here are two different views of the same images.

Not bad, eh? OK, now use your mouse to see each photo in this mosaic in full. Pretty cool, isn't it?! Photos by Joanne Baxter. Happy, lazy holidays! WLC.

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Gladesville Bridge

For a few years now I've been working on a song. Not obsessing over it, just toying with it.

Every time I get to the top of the Gladesville Bridge (pictured), I feel compelled to capture the feeling somehow. As you reach the top of the bridge, headed east, towards the city, you see the most beautiful view. The water curls like ribbon away from you toward the city. You can see the magnificent Sydney Harbour Bridge. My dad is the one who told me that the Harbour Bridge is called the "Coathanger." Funny that it was an American who pointed out the nickname to me. I didn't really believe him. Had to look it up. He was right, of course.

Anyway, the feelings I get up there on the top are pretty deep. I feel pride and amazement for the beautiful city spread out in front of me. I feel lonely, because I'm usually alone in the car. I feel foreign because I always think of where I came from when I'm at the top. I feel lazy because I haven't written this damn song yet even though, I think about it every time I'm up there. I feel nervous, because I prefer to look at the view than the road. Sometimes I even slow down to make it last longer.

When I look at the view going westward, I have strong feelings, too. Different ones. You can see the Olympic Stadium, and that reminds me of 2000 when I left the comfort (did I really just say comfort about a job) of ICG and when Alan and I sold everything that plugged in to come here. I think of my convertible and how nice it would be to have it here on a sunny day. I also can usually see the Blue Mountains in the distance. They aren't mountains to me. But I think of my Rocky Mountains when I see the Blue Mountains in the distance. And those Rocky Mountains always make me smile. Sometimes they make me cry.

In 1990, Alan and I lived in Hunters Hill with Ben, Ange, Mick, and Pierre. One day, I decided to walk from Hunters Hill to the city. I don't think I made it; I recall getting to Balmain and then getting a bus back. But on that walk, I ventured to the top of the Gladesville Bridge. I took lots of pictures. They're printed and are probably in a drawer in this very room. I won't look now. But it sure would be nice to see the view and to share it with you.

In 2006, Alan and I ate fish and chips from George's (Ocean Foods) under the Gladesville Bridge on the Drummoyne side. I'd never been to the underside of it before. Alan told me that the concrete they used to make the bridge is constantly moistened; or maybe he said it has never set - I don't really remember the technical details, but it's a special construction method that they used and I'm sure he read about it in The Glebe - our local rag.

So you see, there's lots of emotion and lots of story and lots of personal context to work with and weave into this song. It is inevitable. It will happen. I just want it to capture as much emotion as I feel when I get to the top of the Gladesville Bridge.

It's a work in progress. Perhaps this blog helped. Hmmmm....

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello. Want to let you see the boys playing in the backyard. I'm speaking on this video and it's pretty quiet - I didn't want to distract the dogs. In case you aren't my family (and if not, welcome to my blog), I'm talking my family in San Francisco. Wish we could be there!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Elections, Environment, Television, and Puppies

Hello. Welcome to my blog. In case you're new, I've been keeping it for over a year now. For a little while I included some of my candle business stuff in here, too, but I've separated that out now. So it's all about me and my dribble. If you want to stay on top of my dribble, please subscribe. Otherwise I'll probably only send you an update by email twice a year. (That might be enough for you, I don't know.) Of course, you could use RSS to stay on top of my blog, but only .2 percent of the world seems to know how to use RSS, so I'll just recommend the subscription method.

This picture of Ben and me was taken to hopefully get us a few gigs as a duo in 2008. Here is a link to our MySpace site. We are the Balmain Bugs.

Here's my MySpace site.

It's been awhile since my last WendEmail. In fact, I'm not sure when I sent the last one. Nothing new to report, really, but here are a few topics I thought I'd talk about....

Not the 2008 "Clusterf**k to the White House" elections (I do record and watch The Daily Show), this Saturday, Australia goes to the polls in a federal election. No president here, just a Prime Minister. You don't really vote for a Prime Minister, you vote for a federal minister in your district and then the elected ministers in the majority party ("the winners") select a leader. That person is then the Prime Minister. Then the minority party selects "shadow" ministers to disagree with everything that the "winners" say and government returns to its normal course of inaction and bureaucracy. Call me a pessimist.

I can't vote. I'm still only an American. I tried to become an Aussie, too, but the government moves slowly. Too slowly to get me in on time. Ho hum. I'll just wait. No hurry now....

Still yet to see Emmy Award and Nobel Peace Prize winning, An Inconvienient Truth, I just wanted to say that I am doing a few small things to help. I live in a moderate climate. I can and do (although it is uncomfortable sometimes) live without air conditioning. I drive a small, fuel-efficient car. And I don't replace it every few years - don't need to. I live near the shops and I walk there lots. I don't drive to the post office, I walk. I turn off lights. I recycle as much as I can. I don't water the lawn (and if I needed to, I'd replace it with natural landscaping).

I still think we're in trouble. I think our lifestyles will change the world significantly in my lifetime. The small efforts on my part won't do much to stop it. We need a global answer.


My dad pointed out this article to me. Please do take a minute to read it once you're done with my dribble. Solar's Day in the Sun.

Why is it so hard?

Well, if you've not read my diatribe about quitting TV, here it is. More importantly, what a difference it's made. I seriously didn't think I watched that much, but OH MY GOD, I watched LOTS of TV. I went through withdrawals! When did I watch? In the morning when I was having coffee, at lunch, and then starting at 7:30 or so and going until 10:30 or later almost every night. Let's see that's 1+1+3=5x5=25 hours minimum per week that I was watching TV. (I'm pretty sure I've been more than "conservative" in those numbers, so it was actually MORE than that.)

My guitar practice has increased. My customer service calls have increased. My exercise time has increased. My reading time has increased. I'm writing this to you -my writing time has increased.

Though plural above, we only have one. His name is Copper. He and Mogy are brothers and they are very happy dogs. Very happy. I'll do a video this afternoon to let you see how happy they are. They play well.

Copper sits, stays, and comes (most of the time). He has been for 2 short walks so far and did well at both. He sleeps really well at night (inside, of course), and once he wakes up in the morning, he and Mogy play/sleep alone outside. One of us just has to shuffle to the door to let them out. Then we fall back into bed.

He has doubled in weight in 4 weeks. Now 12 weeks old. He'll eventually be the same size as Mogy - though perhaps a little lighter.

Here's a link to some pictures of them until I get the video up.

That's all for now. I'm feeling like writing a lot lately though, so please do check back here to see what I might have been up to. No writer's strike for me.

What's up with you? Write soon. Love....

Monday, November 05, 2007

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Copper got a bath today. I gave it to him in the bathtub. What a good boy. He just let me do everything I needed to do and then (yippee) he dried pretty quickly.

It's a rainy and cold spring day though, and I think he's a bit cold; that's probably why he is cuddling up to Mogy. They are right next to me. Sleeping away just like this picture shows (you can click on the image to see a larger one if you want). I played with the exposure a bit and gave it a whimsical frame. Mogy's not that yellow....

I hurt my back in the process. Sore on the left side. I've tried a few yoga postures to stretch it out, but it's pretty sore.

Well, that's about it. The only other thing worth mentioning here is that I had an absolutely beautiful day yesterday. Great friends, a really funny movie (Death at a Funeral - highly recommended), a beautiful lunch at the Sydney Rowing Club, and then drinks and dinner in our backyard. It was relaxing. A great way to spend a Sunday.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

No Drips

The Peglight
When people have candlabras, I find they are rarely used. If they don’t have a taper candlabra, I describe a typical taper candlabra – over in the corner, dusty, cheap bent or crooked candles from the heat, possibly cobwebs/dust, probably newspaper underneath to catch the drips. Just as an example (because I don't have a candlabra), the picture to the right shows a peglight next to a drippy candlestick.

Peglights resuscitate the candlabra and probably move it out of the corner!

I pull out a peglight, share the above, and when I light it in the host’s candelabra – or in my taper holder (pointing out light, scent, colour, and no drips - they don’t have to worry about a ceiling fan or a light breeze going through the room), they buy multiples (at $15.95 each, but I remind them that they will last forever), they buy votives, and burn more candles (so they buy more later). Brilliant. Probably works at every other show. I sell 3-5 peglights at a time. And the peglight is tiny, so it fits in my bag no matter what.
Please feel free to share your ideas here. Just comment....

Mogy and Copper

Copper was born on August 28, 2007. He came into our home on October 20, 2007. In two short days, the playing began...

Friday, October 26, 2007

Forty Facts of Life

A few thoughts from the wise (and the looney, punk-ass, fruit-loop) Angela Little...

  1. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

  2. Don't worry about what people think. They don't do it very often.

  3. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

  4. Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

  5. If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you've never tried before.

  6. My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance.

  7. Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious.

  8. It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.

  9. For every action, there is an equal and opposite government program.

  10. If you look like your passport picture, you probably need the trip.

  11. Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks.

  12. A conscience is what hurts when all of your other parts feel so good.

  13. Eat well, stay fit, die anyway.

  14. Men are from earth. Women are from earth. Deal with it.

  15. No man has ever been shot while doing the dishes.

  16. A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.

  17. Middle age is when broadness of the mind and narrowness of the waist change places.

  18. Opportunities always look bigger going than coming.

  19. Junk is something you've kept for years and throw away three weeks before you need it.

  20. There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.

  21. Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.

  22. By the time you can make ends meet, they move the ends.

  23. Thou shalt not weigh more than thy refrigerator.

  24. Someone who thinks logically provides a nice contrast to the real world.

  25. It ain't the jeans that make your butt look fat.

  26. If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved -- and never will achieve -- its full potential, that word would be "meetings."

  27. There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."

  28. People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.

  29. You should not confuse your career with your life.

  30. Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.

  31. Never lick a steak knife.

  32. The most destructive force in the universe is gossip.

  33. You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time.

  34. You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think she's pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.

  35. There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday. That time is age 11.

  36. The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we all believe that we are above average drivers.

  37. A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person. (This is very important. Pay attention. It never fails.)

  38. Your friends love you anyway.

  39. Thought for the day: Never be afraid to try something new.

  40. Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark. A large group of professionals built the Titanic.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Psychology of Candlescapes

It is my pleasure to provide this article which has been contribued by the FABULOUS Lynn McCabe. Lynn presented on the Psychology of Candles at our September Unit Meeting and we loved every word. In case you missed it, here is the information in prose. Please take a few minutes to soak it all in. See if you can use some of it as you work your PartyLite magic at shows.

The Psychology of Candlescapes

by Lynn McCabe

The wonder and enchantment of a candlelit room, and the delicious experience of different textures on our skin, resonates deep within our psyche to produce feelings of peace and well being. The psychological mechanisms that create these feelings have been unlocked by researchers, and identified as beauty, touch, fragrance, colour, ritual, symbolism and scarcity (to name but a few). PartyLite offers not only beautiful products, but also the cues to trigger these mechanisms to create a wonderful psychological experience for our customers. The field of psychology is therefore a rich source of information about why we love our products, and useful factoids that can be applied to the selling of our candles. Here are a few examples:

1. Beauty
Beauty has a physical effect on us. It lifts our mood, it offers a lovely distraction from mundane thoughts and ruminations, and it motivates us to not only beautify our life, but to live it differently.

Research support: Research has found that people in ‘lovely’ environments rate their life satisfaction as significantly higher, and behave in a more socially pleasing ways, than those in ‘ordinary or drab’ environments. This is one of the reasons why money was invested in beautifying housing commission (council housing) estates in Britain. Beautiful surrounds have significant social consequences.

We treat beautiful people differently. For example, in the court system, attractive people have been found to be significantly more likely to receive lesser sentences than unattractive people. Beauty therefore appears to have a value that is hardwired into our thoughts and behaviours.
Studies of Gorillas in captivity have shown that these animals will forsake food rewards in favour of ‘visual beauty’ rewards such as a better view from a window.

Product application: All our beautiful accessories.

2. Touch
Psychologists agree that touch is essential for well being.

Research support: Orphaned babies who are touched are more like to survive and thrive.
Rats are licked by their mothers when born. In one experiment the newborn rats were taken from their mothers so they couldn’t be licked. They were then either left untouched or softly brushed by a human. The rats that were left untouched failed to thrive while those brushed by humans thrived. This demonstrates that the actual act of touching is essential to rats’ well being.

Harlow conducted an experiment where he took baby monkeys from their mothers and offered them surrogate ‘wire mothers’. The one surrogate was wire with a bottle of milk attached. The other had no milk but the wire was covered in soft terry toweling fabric. It was found that the babies clung to the soft fabric mothers in preference to the wire mothers offering milk. In other words, they chose the comfort of touch over food. Touch is therefore a must have, not a nice to have as once thought.

Product application: Massage oil, foot lotion, and other body products.

3. Fragrance & colour and their effect on mood.
Both fragrance and colour have been found to induce either positive or negative moods.

Research support: Human memory is made up of a network of codes. Every experience is coded by fragrance, mood and colour (to name a few factors). That is why you can smell a familiar fragrance and suddenly feel you have been transported back in time to the memory which was first coded with that fragrance. Likewise, negative moods are treacherous because once you start feeling sad, every sad experience is cued in memory which can lead to an exacerbation of the original sad feeling!

Similarly colour has been found to be linked to early memories and may trigger the positive or negative memories they are associated with.

In addition, colour has been found to affect mood, motivation and levels of stimulation. This is to do with many factors but light reflection is one. Brightness stimulates positive mood, and some colours are perceived as warm (while others as bleak). Such effects have been identified in disorders such as Seasonal Affective Disorder where people in countries where there are long, dark, winters, literally suffer depression from the lack of light and colour stimulation of their brains.

Product application: Positive moods can be induced by (1) warm flame light (all candles), (2) exquisite fragrances (wax, body products, linen spray, room spray, reed diffusers, etc.), and (3) rich and varied colours (wax and accessories such as the Moroccan Spice Lantern, etc.).

4. Ritual and symbolism
While we are sophisticated creatures there is a primitive core of our brain that likes routine and ritual. There is safety and assurance in this which is why symbols that represent the well being of a particular ritual are so powerful. The human brain is very efficient and can learn to affect physical change with just a single cue. For example, when we go for a massage, we do not need to have the complete massage to start feeling relaxed. Just the sound of the music, or the smell of the massage oil, cues the body to be relaxed, long before the massage begins.

Research support: Ritual - Babies thrive on routine. Rituals associated with processing grief in certain religions have been found to produce better psychological outcomes than no rituals.

Research support: Symbols - Single, representative cues can be enough to cause a chain of physiological effects. For example, hypnotists can give a single word cue to get people into a deeply relaxed state. Also, alcoholics start the physical changes that produce cravings when shown a mere symbol of drinking, such as a logo of an alcoholic beverage, or the sight of a bar mat, or the people they have previously drunk with.

Product application: The symbols from the well being range are an obvious shortcut to relaxation. Looking at one of the symbols tells the body the relaxing/revitalizing ritual is about to begin, and the individual’s physiology may change before the melt has even liquefied!
The act of lighting candles, and releasing lovely fragrances, can be a ritual of relaxation

5. Scarcity
From our primitive beginnings, humans have learned to desire and value things more highly when they are in short supply.

Research support: People have been found to more highly desire products that are not easily accessible which is why marketers successfully use words like “exclusive, rare, and limited”.

Product application: All specials, all limited offers, the seasonal catalogues, labour intensive/hand crafted/exclusive products e.g., striated candles, Global Fusion range, Elegance Hurricane, lead crystal, etc.

The way candlescapes help us decorate, celebrate, and illuminate is therefore no longer a mystery. They trigger a complicated series of intertwined, psychological mechanisms that give us a sense of joy, enchantment and well being. So, it is not a question of why, but rather… why wouldn’t people want to buy PartyLite!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Crazy John

Crazy John has died. Forty-two years old and rich, rich, rich. And now he's dead. Funny how that makes me more and more happy about the choices I've made.

(Sorry, I have to interrupt this story for a minute. Here's what just happened: Mogy walked into the office. Copper (see the cute picture, that's Copper) was having an intense moment of biting my ankles and pulling at my jeans while I typed. Guess what? Mogy had a rope toy and actually teased Copper with it by grunting and waving it in his face. Yes, this is the same Mogy who I call the Sloth - he might get a new nickname soon. I took leave from my typing to get them outside onto the grass where I had a 3 minute "I wish I had a camera" moment. They were playing tug-of-war! Oh so cute to see 6.8 kilos versus 32.8 kilos. Mogy is going to LOVE Copper. In fact, I think he already does. Photos imminent.)

Back to the choices I've made....
  • Working for myself rather than for a corporation. I would have missed that moment above if I worked for a company. I would have had to get up at 6:00 in the morning, commute to work, deal with bosses and customers and employees, commute home, fit in life around work. Sorry... not for me.
  • Not buying into the more money is better argument. Time is more valuable than anything else. Time spent with friends, family, art, nature. Money is the means, not the ends.
  • Not watching TV. Although a relatively new phenomenon, this is a winner. I'd like to get rid of it. The computer is all I need.
  • Moving to Sydney, Australia. Wow, what a great decision we made. I can't imagine living in the US any more. When I go back, I notice the difference. We could choose to live in a material world here, too and lots of people do choose to. But not us - and it took moving here to break the cycle.
  • Starting this blog. I'm so glad that I started this blog. It is nice to be able to read back. It's nice to be able to share a bit about myself and the various hats I wear. My opening statement is proving to be pretty rock solid. Even if is is just for me, I really like it.
  • Marrying Alan. Nineteen is pretty young. I am so happy that I had the courage to say yes. I am so happy that he had the courage to ask. I'm so happy that we have the tenacity to change together. We are not the same people we were when we met - heck, we're not the same people we were 10 years ago. And it's getting better all the time.
  • Not having children. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. It's just not for us. No regrets. Puppies are going to fit the bill just fine.
Crazy John had it all, and he worked his butt of for it. And he's gone. All out. Game, set, match.

Forty-two. Only forty-two.

My friends and family mean more to me than money. I know I have to get better at making money while still making the type of choices I've made, but I know I will. I already have.

Friday, October 12, 2007

October in PartyLite - Just My Thoughts.....

What Am I Thinking?

This is my third October as a PartyLite consultant. The opportunity is right in front of me. November has always been my biggest month and this year I'm committed to ensuring my business grows.

Sales is not a problem. Our candles sell themselves. In fact, my guest average is getting higher and I really don't feel like I'm doing anything different.

Bookings is where I have excelled in the last few months. I have consistently gotten 1-3 bookings at every show. My calendar has never been so organised. Until two months ago, I had always said I do 4-5 shows per month and I always had. Then, when I made the commitment to do eight, guess what happened? I'm doing 8+ every month.

Goals = Action = Results

It really is that simple. I've set goals and then do something to achieve them, and guess what? I bonus. I get the sales rewards. I get the bookings for the next month. And I feel good.


Here are the areas I want to work on:
  • Sponsor new consultants!
  • Help new consultants to achieve BriteStart! All three months!
  • Keep track of my finances properly!
  • Deposit all cash!
I have an action plan for all of these. Next week Ange and I are hosting an Information Session and are advertising it in the local paper. We're also letting our consultants bring their potential consultants to the session.

BriteStart is so important. My plan is to try a buddy system within my Unit to see if I can get new consultants the support they need to get going. I also want to ensure that each Consultant in my Unit sets up their new Consultants to succeed, so we'll do a little bit of training at our next Unit meeting.

I just downloaded a trial version of MYOB and I'm inputting my income and expenses into it. This is important now that I am a Unit Leader. I don't think Consultants need to have that sort of system, but I do plan on making enough money to pay taxes and I want to really be able to track it right. My goal is six figures of income, so it is important to start right.
As I started putting the financial information into they system, I noticed that the cash I receive from customers is generally only getting into my bank account 50% of the time. Sure I might be spending it on important things, like groceries and petrol, but I think I should deposit it first and then keep good track of what I am spending it on. I'm sure the pub has gotten a hefty chunk. :) Oh, and the Indian and Thai restaurants in Five Dock, too. So Rule #1 is to deposit all cash.
What Are You Thinking?

I hope you are thinking that you have some weaknesses, too and that you want to put together a plan to overcome them. If you need help, I'm happy to assist. Not in developing the list of weaknesses - that's your job - but in assisting you in developing a plan - I can help there.

Last Thoughts

PartyLite isn't about being as active as anyone else, or as organised as anyone else, or as dedicated as anyone else - it is personal. No one can tell you what your goals are. Only you can do that. The only thing I ask is that you don't give up unless you've tried to do that. Unless you've tried to set goals, create action, and get results.

It took me two years to get where I am. I persisted. I burned candles all along the way. And one day... I decided to take it further. You might have a different path. Or you might want to come on my journey. I promise it will be fun.

See what happens when I just sit down and type. Hope it gives you some food for thought. Bye for now.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

2007 Australian Citizenship Test

So many people have sent this to me that I thought I'd share it with you. I will also indicate whether I got the answers right or not, but won't give out the answers. Feel free to ask questions about the questions or even to suggest answers so we can all have a laugh.
  1. Do you understand the meaning, but are unable to explain the origin of, the term "died in the arse"? - The sepo (that's me) got it right!
  2. What is a “bloody little beauty?” - The sepo got it right!
  3. Are these terms related: chuck a sickie; chuck a spaz; chuck a U-ey? - The sepo got it right!
  4. Explain the following passage: "In the arvo last Chrissy the relos rocked up for a barbie, some bevvies and a few snags. After a bit of a Bex and a lie down we opened the pressies, scoffed all the chockies, bickies and lollies. Then we drained a few tinnies and Mum did her block after Dad and Steve had a barney and a bit of biffo." - The sepo got it right!
  5. Macca, Chooka and Wanger are driving to Surfers in their Torana. If they are traveling at 100 km/h while listening to Barnsey, Farnsey and Acca Dacca, how many slabs will each person on average consume between flashing a brown eye and having a slash? - The sepo got it right! (Though the answer is flimsy.)
  6. Complete the following sentences:
    • If the van's rockin' don't bother ________? - The sepo got it right!
    • You're going home in the back of a _________? Doh!
    • Fair crack of the _________? Doh!
  7. I've had a gutful and I can't be fagged. - The sepo got it right!
  8. Have you ever been on the giving or receiving end of a wedgie? - The sepo got it right!
  9. Do you have a friend or relative who has a car in their front yard "upon blocks"? Is his name Bruce and does he have a wife called Cheryl? (I have an Uncle Bruce and he likely does have some vehicle up on blocks.... but I still think I need to say Doh! to this one....)
  10. Does your family regularly eat a dish involving mincemeat, cabbage, curry powder and a packet of chicken noodle soup called either chow mein, chop suey or kai see ming? - No, but that's a good idea for my (looming) citizenship celebration lunch.... Does that count?
  11. What are the ingredients in a rissole? Doh!
  12. Demonstrate the correct procedure for eating a Tim Tam. - The sepo got it right!
  13. Do you have an Aunty Irene who smokes 30 cigarettes a day and sounds like a bloke? - This sounds eerily like the Simpsons.... No comment.
  14. In any two-hour period have you ever eaten three-bean salad, a chop and two serves of pav washed down with someone else's beer that has been flogged from a bath full of ice? - All 'cept the beer bit, so I'll take it as a winner....
  15. When you go to a bring- your-own-meat barbie can you eat other people's meat or are you only allowed to eat your own? - The sepo got it right!
  16. What purple root vegetable beginning with the letter "b" is required by law to be included in a hamburger with the lot? - The sepo got it right! (but I break the law.)
  17. Do you own or have you ever owned a lawn mower, a pair of thongs, an Esky or Ugg boots? - The sepo got it right!
  18. Is it possible to "prang a car" while doing "circle work"? Doh!
  19. Who would you like to crack on to? - The sepo got it right!
  20. Who is the most Australian: Kevin "Bloody" Wilson, John "True Blue" Williamson, Kylie Minogue or Warnie? - The sepo got it right!
  21. Is there someone you are only mates with because they own a trailer or have a pool? - Not really, have to miss this one.... Doh!
  22. What does sinkin piss at a mates joint and getten para mean? - The sepo got it right!
So, Aussie readers, am I in? If so, could you please ask the department of immigration to hurry it up a little. I applied in February, was approved in August, and haven't heard boo since. Need to pledge an oath or something. Bring it on!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Television Sucks

I've been hit by a wave of emotion about the TV. Hate it. Hate that it pulls me into it's grip whenever I need to do other things. Hate that it is the first thing Alan and I do in the morning . We get up and turn on the "news" and drink our coffee.

No more.

In case you don't know, I am the Metro Gnome. So when you read my rant on Hotsource, think of me.

By the way, it's 9:21 and I haven't watched TV for 3 hours and 21 minutes.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The Most Important Thing: Customer Service

Dealing with your clients in a friendly, ethical, honest, and consistent manner is critical to your success as a consultant. Know what their rights are. Give them everything they're entitled to. Work with integrity. When things do go wrong, surprise them with your speedy response time, your approachable demeanour, and your positive attitude.

Here are a few areas to focus on:

Booking gifts - You are responsible for keeping track of the booking gifts a hostess has earned. Don't make her call you to ask where it is. You call her and let her know the progress she's made. Action: I'm going to write it in my diary 60 days after each show to call the host and let them know.

Replacement orders - READ Section 14, page 14-16. Really, go get your manual and READ those pages. Let all of your guests know that they should contact the host immediately to report any issues with their order. Get the new product to the customer right away by submitting a replacement order. The replacements will be sent quickly and without question. Get the other products at your convenience and bring them to me with the pink slip at the next Unit Meeting.

Returns - Even in the best of worlds, returns are occasionally going to happen. The customer may even change her mind even before the order is delivered. She's allowed to - that's the law. What you need to know is that returns impact the product credit that had been earned by your host and they also impact the commission you earned. Sadly, they also might impact rewards you thought you had earned. Just be aware of that. If it happens, put on a happy face, talk openly to your host about the implications, and get through it.

Order processing
- It simply isn't fair to anyone for you to delay putting an order into the system. Unless every buying guest at the show knows that you will be delaying the order entry, they will expect to get their goods within 5-10 business days of the show. Be clear with the whole group that you will process the show once you receive all payments. Work with the host to get all payments on the day. Call people if you are delayed. It's only right.

Deliveries - Make sure your host is aware of who gets what. Either give her a copy of each order form or send her the order summary once you place the order. Importantly, make sure she knows that it is her responsibility to get the goods out to her guests. I let my hosts know that they get 20 percent product credit in return for the food, drinks, and deliveries. I also let the guests know that the order will come to the host and that she will get the orders to them. Action: Call your hosts once the order has been shipped, go through the process for them, make sure they have everything they need, and remind them to tell their guests that the order has arrived.

Perspectives Radio

Trolling through the Internet today and I found a neat little application called LinkedIn. Of course I set up my own page on it and I wrote to others who have already used it to see if I could build up the network a bit.

The neat thing is that I found a blog written by a fellow guitar student, Mark Braidwood. Mark and I are in Feeding the Animals for the Hive Live performances. He plays a mean harmonica, too.

Well, in addition, Mark writes pretty regularly in a blog, and I have included a link to one post so you can see what he's writing about. I love learning about the intellect and the interests of other people. The web is pretty cool for this sort of thing.

Perspectives Radio

I'm off to YouTube now to get lost for another hour.... See ya!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Getting Away

Alan and I took a few days off this week. We drove south west to a little Victorian town called Beechworth. We brought the camera, but didn't take any pictures. We went to vineyards and bought 2 cases of wine (pretty reserved - could have done more). We read books, I played my guitar. We ate nice food, we slept in.

Then we drove to Barooga (Barooooooooooooooooooga) to see our friends, Mike and Julie. Another relaxing afternoon, evening, and morning.

Getting away is important. I hope you've been able to get away lately. Let us know where.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Don't Quit

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns
As every one of us sometimes learns
And many a fellow turns about
When he might have won, had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man;
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor's cup;
And he learned too late when the night came down
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
And you never can tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.

Author Unknown

Sunday, September 16, 2007


We had a very successful Share & Succeed training on Saturday. Here are some notes from my presentation on Sponsorship.

Sponsorship versus leadership
Sponsorship is for every Consultant in PartyLite. You do not need to be a Leader to sponsor someone. In fact, you do not even need to aspire to leadership to sponsor someone. Until you are a leader, I recommend that you use your Unit Leader to assist you significantly in the recruitment of new consultants. You are not alone. In fact, it is your Leader’s responsibility.

Leadership may be something you aspire to achieve. This is great. Your Unit Leader can assist you in setting goals and a plan to achieve them. PartyLite also offers training for Future Leaders. Leadership is more than sponsorship.

Understanding the difference may be the break you are looking for. As your team grows, you will get leadership training to prepare you to lead your own team. Until that happens – use your Leader.

Consultant Guide
Section 7 of the Consultant Guide is a critical part to understanding and preparing for sponsoring. Take 30 minutes to read it and to think about how to integrate it into your shows and your conversations.

My personal commercial
I discovered PartyLite in 1996 when I was living in Denver, Colorado. My hairdresser asked me if I wanted to come to a candle party. I asked her if I needed to bring a candle. She laughed and said, “No, you just need to bring your Visa card.”

Since then, I’ve been hooked.

I became a Consultant myself in June 2005 and I am now a Leader of a great and growing team of smart, successful women. My enthusiasm for my little candle business has done nothing but grow. I go to parties. I tell people about the best candles in the world. I have fun, eat their food, drink their wine, and get paid. I work when I want to. I work part time from home – even with my Leadership commitments, I still only work about 20 hours a week. It’s the best thing that’s happened to me. I control it all. If any one here today likes some of the choices that I have shared with you, and you think that it would make a difference to your lifestyle as well, then please come and talk with me later and we can set up a time to have a chat.

Planting seeds
Planting seeds is useless unless you are prepared to provide sunlight (directly offer the opportunity), water (answer their questions), pull weeds (overcome their objections), and harvest (sign ‘em up).

Directly offer the opportunity to each person – especially to your hostess who has just had a $500+ show. Don’t ask if they are interested? Ask them what they like about your job. Tell them there are meetings each month where they can learn more. Offer to introduce them to your Unit Leader to answer any questions they have. Give your Unit Leader the name and number of two people at each show who want more information or who seem like good potential consultants (personality).

Answer their questions – Ask them what questions they have about the Discover PartyLite brochure. Phone call, in person, with your Unit Leader, and/or at your next Unit Meeting.

Overcome their objections – Feel, felt, found – use either your experience or another Consultant’s to honestly share how the same objection was overcome.

Sign ‘em up – Until you’re ready, here’s what your Unit Leader will help you do: ask them if there is any reason why they wouldn’t be able to give it a go. Help them write out their FRANK list. Give them some help setting up their first six shows, and get the contract signed.

Sponsoring is a verb
Think of sponsoring as an activity. Look for Consultants. Invite people to do what you do. Recommend people to the company. Like a visitor to a country club, you are signing them in.

Start them right
The first six shows of a new Consultant are critical to her success as a Consultant. Don’t underestimate the positive impact of doing six shows, getting bookings from each show, and getting commissions from six shows. If your new Consultant can see a financial impact from her efforts, he or she will be much more likely to succeed. BriteStart is a good motivator. Help your Unit Leader by consistently supporting the importance of getting six shows into a new Consultant’s diary.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

What Music Means to Me

Not a Rant, Just a Roll of Thoughts....

I get goosebumps. The kind you get when you hear the perfect note, or the truest lyric, or the most amazing harmony. I get goosebumps.

I know we all get them from time to time, but I think I get them more than most. I do listen to a lot of music.

Music moves me. Makes me happy, sad, introspective, and motivated. Takes me somewhere else and then throws me back into the moment.

Listening to lyrics make me a stronger person. How? Because it gives me confidence and comfort to know that I'm not the only one feeling the way I do. When a lyric rings true to me, I know thousands of other people must feel the same way... and that's comforting. Whether the lyric is about love, war, frustration, life, suicide, working, writing, love lost, money, jealousy, passion, poverty, history, the mundane, or the exciting, I feel better knowing that other people feel those things, too.

The emotions that can be created through the voice of the instruments alone, without lyrics, are sometimes more powerful.

Though, listening to music makes me jealous. And angry. Angry at myself for being so lazy as a child that I didn't learn the language of music. How to read it, write it, feel it, to dream in that beautiful language. There are millions of nuances, timings, and tones that I can appreciate but not replicate. Practice.

I often close my eyes and just listen. Especially during a music video - I prefer to interpret a song myself through the music and the lyric. Videos seem to be a cheating way to interpret (or misinterpret) a song.

Live music takes me to another realm altogether. Since I perform myself, when I watch someone else perform, there is appreciation and admiration simply for their presence.

I realise now that I watch the stage differently than a non-performer. I listen to the music differently. I take apart the song now - I never used to do that. I listen for the bass line. I notice the variety of guitar sounds. I hear the high hat and the snare and can pick out a triplet with ease. I think about the arrangements and wonder about alternatives (not that I could create them).

Forever I'll be learning and improving and I can't imagine a time when I'm not feeling like there is significantly more learning and improving to do. I'm hypercritical of my own performances and I'm always striving for the perfect take.

Only recently, I realised that, because of all of these things, I am a musician.


Tuesday, September 04, 2007

It'll be just like starting over....

Those words by John Lennon can be used every day. Everyday we can re-start. We can re-invigorate. We can re-build.

Have things stalled? Are you inactive? Do you want to begin again?

Can I offer you a helping hand?

Basically, to get going again, you simply need to start again. Here are five steps to get started:

  1. Read section 2 and 3 of the consultant guidelines – Section 2 will inspire you to set goals and act, Section 3 will be a great refresher on a show.

  2. Get your own calendar organized for now through Christmas – know when you have personal things to do, when you work, when the kids have activities you can’t miss, mark them all down. You need to know when you can do shows.

  3. Host a show at your house this month. Set the date.

  4. Write out your FRANK list (again). Seriously, sit down and write down every person you can think of – Friends, Relatives, Acquaintances, Neighbours, and Kids Friends. Invite at least 30 people to your show. Don’t just email them. Email them, post them a postcard invite AND then call them each to give them a boost. If they can’t make it, let them know that they can order from you and you will add it to that show. Make sure they know that there are great host benefits if they will book a show with you. Christmas is coming…. Great informal shopping! Don’t pressure them, but be ready with dates if they are interested. If they want to think about it – ask them if you can call back in a few days. (Definitely call them back!)

  5. Call each of the customers you have served already (get out the door prize slips from shows past) and let them know that you’ve been on a bit of a break, but you’re back. If they need any candles, remind them of how to get in touch with you. If they have them, make sure you have their email addresses. If they haven’t been burning their candles (and therefore don’t need more) remind them that candles look best, and smell better, and make their home look nice, when they’re lit.
Just make 3-4 calls per day. Our next Unit Meeting isn’t until October 24. In the meantime, you can call me anytime or you can schedule a weekly/fortnightly call with me if you want. At those calls, I’ll see how you’re doing and offer advice on moving forward.

I hope this helps. I could add more, but I want to keep it simple.

My Guitar Weeps

Yesterday, as I sat on the couch, guitar in hand, pickless, I realized that I have been playing the very same song for over two years - and not very well. I only have 3 songs I play without a pick, and whenever I pick up a guitar without one, I play all three of them: Blackbird, Tears in Heaven, and Landslide. They're all great songs. They deserve better.

I know what notes to play, but my fingers don't always follow where my brain says to go.

Realizing that I've been just playing them and not practicing them, I've decided to really knuckle down and get them right. Ask me to play one next time you see me. Suppose I'd better go learn the lyrics to Blackbird now....

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Client Services

Hi. Today I called 4 clients.

One loves her stuff and has only burned it once, but the smell in her home is beautiful. I bet she lights it again tonight.

Two wants to do a show in November. I told her my November is already starting to fill up, so we'd better get a date picked out that works for her. We booked November 17th. I'll send her a host pack in October. Two also received some square votives that were cracked and the wicks were too short. I told her I'd get that fixed right away. She loved that.

Three passed around the catalog at her work and got feedback that the products were too expensive. I asked her if she agreed and she doesn't. She decided she won't book a show now, but she understands the power of the demonstration. She hasn't checked her email yet, but is looking forward to reading Candle Connections.

Four was the host of the lady with the square votives. I called to let her know I was taking care of it. She asked if she could put the catalogs out at her school. I said sure, and let her know that a demonstration is more powerful. I also let her know that in September we have 30% product credit. She is thinking about having another show. She hasn't checked her email yet, but is looking forward to reading Candle Connections. I'll call her again next week....

So I'll put in a Replacement Order now and be done for the day. My calls for tomorrow are organised. Think I'll go do something for me ....

Whatever it Takes

Here is an inspirational poem for you to devour and internalise. Just do it! Whatever it takes....

I have an ambition to reach for the top
I’ve set my sights high to pursue it
Until I achieve it, my efforts won’t stop
Whatever it takes, I will do it

I have no delusions success will be swift
Or obstacles do not bestrew it
I’ve plenty of time – over hurdles I’ll lift
Whatever it takes, I will do it

There may come a time when my climb will be slow
I’ll have to regroup and renew it
I’ll learn from mistakes and employ all I know
Whatever it takes, I will do it

There is no restriction on what I’ll achieve
Glass ceiling or not, I’ll break through it
For nothing can sway me because I believe
Whatever it takes I will do it

There is one exception that I will not break
I won’t use deceipt to get to it
What good is success if our souls we forsake?
If that’s what it takes, I won’t do it

In fact if you want, I can take you along
Our efforts combined placed into it
For working together we’ll be twice as strong
We know what it takes,

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Anything Is Possible

If there was ever a time to dare,
to make a difference,
to embark on something worth doing,


Not for any grand cause, necessarily...
but for something that tugs at your heart,
something that's your inspiration,
something that's your dream.

You owe it to yourself
to make your days here count.


Know, though, that things worth doing
seldom come easy.
There will be good days.
And there will be bad days.

There will be times when you want to turn around,
pack it up,
and call it quits.

Those times tell you
that you are pushing yourself,
that you are not afraid to learn by trying.


Because with an idea,
and the right tools,
you can do great things.

Let your instincts,
your intellect,
and your heart,
guide you.


Believe in the incredible power of the human mind.
Of doing something that makes a difference.
Of working hard.
Of laughing and hoping.
Of lazy afternoons.
Of lasting friends.
Of all the things that will cross your path this year.

The start of something new
brings the hope of something great,


~Author Unknown

Monday, August 13, 2007

Almost a Year....

I can hardly believe that I have written in this blog for almost a year. It does seem like only a few weeks ago that I sat here in this very chair and thought that if I wrote a blog myself, I would see how easy or hard it is. It's easy.

Lately, I write most about my candle business. The candles are selling like hotcakes! I'm really enjoying my new role in leadership and I truly like spending time with my team. I like it so much that I'm about to write a little business plan for my successful ascent in PartyLite. Angela, Nicole and I have decided to be a part of the Million Dollar Club. Founding members, in fact. Watch it happen, 'cause it will.

I realize (American spelling) that I've been very remiss in updating you all on me. My cousin, Pete, wrote to ask me how I was doing, and then said that he could probably find out on my blog. Oops. Well, maybe he will decide to quit his job and join PartyLite, but he sure won't find out how I'm doing just by reading what I have been writing.

And so here I am - updating you all on me.

First of all, I am very close to becoming an Australian citizen. It's just paperwork now - all the rest is done. The FBI took their time in getting my clear Criminal Record check back, but now I have it and all I need to do is find it (oops) and send it to the Aussie government. I'll do that tomorrow. By the way, I'm allowed to be a US and and Australian citizen at the same time. Dual citizenship means I can vote in both countries, I can live in both countries, and I can get in the shortest customs line when I travel between the two countries. I reckon having an Australian passport will also inspire Europeans be nicer to me. Generally - I just thought it was right for me to be able to vote here. That was the real inspiration for applying - otherwise, my life won't change at all.

Second, I am playing the electric guitar on stage now - what a buzz! I wasn't nervous the first time, but I wasn't loose and comfortable either - but the second time... I really settled in and enjoyed it. I'll include a picture when I get one I like. :) I'm still in four bands: Little Bighorn, Silverhair, Wen & Bendy, and Radio Bandits. All are working about once a month, so I'm working pretty regularly now. Ben and I need to get a few more gigs. They're coming....

Hmmmm, what else...? Well, Alan has finished his winter series for sailing, so he can spend the weekends at home. That's really been nice. The winter weather has dried up and warmed up and is absolutley gorgeous. Spring is in the air! Alan even gave Mogy - the Shedder - a bath in the backyard yesterday.

I reckon that'll do for now. I have heaps more to tell you, but it'll have to wait. I think I should write a whole blog about my parents' visit. They came for 6 weeks. Then they spent 2 weeks on New Zealand. It was fantastic. Retirement is good. More on that coming up.

I do miss you. Yes YOU. The only bummer about living in Australia is how far away I am from YOU. I do hope you are well. Off I go!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Fast Track to Leadership!

There are only 12 places for this event. What a great way for you to learn and grow into leadership. What are your goals? Mine are to earn money, be successful, go to Thailand and MORE. You need to RSVP to me asap. The first 12 consultants to commit to this event are in - the next "fast track" won't be until 2008.

Session Outline
  • Session 1 - Team Leader - what is it? What does it mean? What's in it for me? How do you sponsor? How to generate & identify leads everywhere. How to follow up - what to say! The plan! Latte appointments.
  • Session 2 - Holding a starter show. Effectively issuing a kit. Submitting the starter show. Paperwork. Training a new consultant - who & how. Tracking yours and your new consultants success. Keeping your team leader status.
  • Session 3 - Where are you? Looking ahead! What's in it for me in the long run! Encouraging others to sponsor! Myths vs realities. Recognition.
Session 3 will also allow you to invite those prospective leads that you have identified in your journey to attend an information session that will be held from 1.30 pm to 3pm.

There will be giveaways, raffles and recognition for those who PARTICIPATE in the journey to Team Leader. Be in it!

  • Three Sessions: the 25th of August, the 29th of September, and the 3rd of November
  • Where: Cumberland Community Club, Civic Ave, Pendle Hill
  • Time for each session: 10AM - 5PM
  • Cost: $40 PER SESSION to cover lunch, tea & coffee, literature and training materials
  • Must have 4 shows booked from 25th August - 29th September
  • Strong desire to start sponsoring, become a Team Leader or above
  • Must be willing to share ideas, thoughts and participate in activities
  • Must commit to attend all three sessions
  • Must be willing to attempt the challenges set at each session

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Make Thousands Before Christmas

Want to start your own PartyLite Business and make thousands of dollars before Christmas?

Here is my recommendation.
  1. Review your activities for August and September and write down everything you need to do for home, school, family and you. After you do that, highlight the days that you are available to do a show. Keep that information with you. Have it in a format that you can show other people.
  2. Throughout July, tell people you are going to become a consultant. Ask them if they want to have a show for you in August or September to get you started. Use your availability calendar and schedule those shows. Minimum 6 – maximum is up to you….. As you sign up your first six, send me their name, address, show date, and time – I will send them a hostess envelope, invitations, a brochure, a catalog, and a note thanking them for getting you started.
  3. Throughout July, tell people you are going to become a consultant. Ask them if they want to place an order to add to your Starter Show. Get as many orders as you can – Collect money or credit card info (Visa/Mastercard only) as you go. Let them know you will submit the order the first week of August and that it will be delivered to you 5-10 days later. (You and I need to schedule your Starter Show - just call me.)
  4. Come to our Unit Meeting in Five Dock on Wednesday, July 25 to meet the team, talk about the business, and get some good information and training.
After you do your first six shows, you’ll be well on your way to a great little side business. And you’ll make a good amount of money as the Christmas season approaches.

How much do you make? 22% of sales OR 28% of sales if you sell $2800 or more in one calendar month. You can buy anything for 1/3rd off, you can buy all hostess specials at the hostess special price (usually 50% off), you can buy wax at 40% off, and in your first three full months, you can earn gift certificates and free products for your kit.

For your starter show, you need $500 minimum to get the kit, but for every dollar over $500, you get product credit. So if you have a $600 show, you get the kit AND $100 in free products. If you have a $900 show, you get the kit and $400 in free products.

Hope this helps. If it all sounds like something you want to do, I’ll mail you a Starting with Success booklet and a copy of the Consultant Agreement. Regardless, I’ll send you a stack of order forms for your Starter Show. Let me know what you think. No pressure, just opportunity!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Rainbows Keep Falling on My Head!

Our team is growing and growing.


Because the opportunity is superb. Because the product is second to none. Because it's easy to join. Because it's YOUR business.

Welcome to Teresa, Linda, and Sarah.

Teresa had her first solo show on Friday night. Guess what? She sponsored! Her very first show was a starter show for Linda. Fantastic! Congratulations to you both!

Sarah came to a show two weeks ago and immediately thought the opportunity was too good to miss. She came to our Unit Meeting and will be having her starter show in July.

Set Goals

I recommend that you set monetary goals for yourself each month. Here are a few examples (I've assumed show averages of $500-$600):
  • I will make $500 this month. (So you need to have compensatable sales of ~$2300 - which is 4-5 shows.)
  • I will bonus this month. (So you need to have compensatable sales of ~$2800 - which is 5-6 shows.) This is my goal - WLC.
  • I will be active this month. (So you need to have compensatable sales of ~$900 - which is 2 shows.)
  • I will break a record this month (So you need to have compensatable sales of ~$15,429 - which is 26-30 shows.)
Take Action

If you do set a goal - you need to ACT to achieve it. Here are some ideas:
  • I will organise my calendar for July and August and make sure I know when I am available and when I am not.
  • I will call (not email) five people every week (one call per day) to tell them about my candle business and to see if they want to (1) see a cataolg, (2) host a show, or (3) place an order.
  • I will host a party at my house on this date (set a date - tell people - coach yourself).
  • I will contact all my past clients and ask them how they are and if they need more candles.
  • I will call the people I've met in the past 3 months who said they might want to have a show.
Set goals and take action. That's the best way to keep your candle business humming along.

Do you have a little story or idea to share with the team. Please post it here. Share your ideas. Talk to you soon! WLC.

Friday, May 18, 2007

What Do I Bring to Candle Parties?

Hello. I've just finished getting ready for a party tonight. I bring all of the stuff with me to work and go straight to the party from work. You might want to use this as a checklist.

Things I Always Bring

  • Diary
  • Pens
  • Guest Gifts*
  • Host Gift*
  • Door Prize
  • Scissors
  • Spare Votives (12)
  • Spare Tealights (12)
  • Change
  • Scent Pots
  • Velour Cloth
*Optional to provide guest and host gifts - I do - some don't - it is completely up to you. I have a $5 limit and a personal rule that it must be PL products.

Literature I Always Bring (Labeled where appropriate)

  • Order Forms
  • Door Prize Slips
  • Guest Specials
  • Host Specials
  • Catalogs
  • Discover PL Brochures (4)
  • Copy of Consultant Agreement
  • Live By Candlelight Cards
  • 30 Postcard Invitations
  • Show Cards
Products I Always Bring
  • Used Pillar (I light it first when I arrive)
  • New Pillar
  • Flat as a Pancake Pillar (to prove the point)
  • Ball Candle
  • Square Votive
  • Taper
  • Unwind Linen Spray
  • Revitalise Pulse Point Cream
  • Mirror
  • Peglight
  • Snuffer

My Perfect 10

  1. Something to Wow Them (e.g. Global Fusion Hurricane)
  2. Booking Gift (e.g. Garden Lites AM Warmer)
  3. A Hostess Special (If I have one)
  4. A Starter Pack Item (Quad Prism)
  5. A Starter Pack Item (Iced Crystal Trio)
  6. A Well Being Pillar Holder & Pillar
  7. A Well Being Votive Holder
  8. Scroll Sconce (and I try very hard to put it up somewhere before people arrive)
  9. Quad Prism Pedestal (shows versatility and is beautiful)
  10. Thai Inspiration Pillar Sleeve

Friday, May 04, 2007

WLC's Sponsoring Hints

First of all, don’t feel like you have to be entrenched in PL to offer other people the opportunity to become Consultants. Even if you are a very part time Consultant, brand spanking new, or intermittently involved, you might be speaking to a future Leader. Remember, you won’t be their boss, you’ll just be their Sponsor, their Leader, their guide to success.

Remember, you won’t be their boss, you’ll just be their Sponsor, their Leader, their guide to success.

So next, here are a few of the hints I told people about at my Sponsoring training session a few weeks ago.

  1. Use Show Cards. I think they help demonstrate that you don’t have to memorise a presentation – with cue cards, people are able to confidently deliver a presentation.
  2. Invite Other Consultants/Potential Consultants to Your Shows. This helps the other consultants, it shows your guests that there are other people in the business, it plants a seed in the guests' and host's minds that they could easily watch and learn, too.
  3. Talk About How PL is Young. I ask people to imagine if they had gotten into Tupperware or Avon in their early stages how rich they might be today. PL is still relatively new and unknown in Australia and there is a lot of opportunity. This won't be true forever - use it now!
  4. Pack Light. Make each show a subset of your kit – don’t bring everything (ask me about the Top 10 to learn how to pack). If you bring too much it will make your job look too hard – let them see an easy set-up and take down. Great for you – good seed for them.
  5. Tell Your Story. At each show, start by telling your personal story - how you discovered PL and why you joined. Was it the quality of the products? Was it the free stuff? Was it the no pressure opportunity to make money? Other people want those things, too.

Once you have a lead, a bite, a nibble, here are a few hints from me to you.

  1. Simplicity Sells. In addition to the Discover PL brochure, bring a copy of a Consultant Agreement to shows. If people are interested, you can show them how simple it is and so they can take it with them to start figuring out who their first six hosts might be.
  2. Take the pressure off of YOU. Don’t think of new consultants as your employees. This is their business. You will provide support, but it is up to them to grab a hold of the opportunity.
  3. Take the pressure off THEM. I don’t pressure anyone (least I don’t think I do). To sponsor people, I consistently explain the opportunity, but I also consistently let them know that the decision is theirs.
  4. Take the pressure off THEM. It took almost 2 years before I really got into the business in a serious way. I was a good consultant even when I wasn’t consistently delivering sales.
  5. Nothing to lose. There really is nothing to lose by trying PL. The six shows enable them to try it out. They will either get hooked and take off, will get started and make some money, or maybe they'll find it's not for them. They won't know unless they try.
  6. Ex-Party Plan People. If they’ve done party plan (direct home sales) before – they might be open to considering PL if they know what the differences are. (Because party plans are NOT the same!) Here are some of our special features. Point them out.
  • No Investment
  • Online Ordering
  • Great Literature – professional and supportive
  • Attractive Hostess Program – easier to get bookings
  • Training and Support (you work for yourself, not by yourself)
  • No Shipping Costs for Hosts – easier to get bookings
  • No Deliveries for Consultants

Once you have a person interested, if you need help, call me, and you’ll have help answering their questions and getting them involved.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Multiple Bookings

The following are some notes about getting Multiple Bookings from our recent training. Amanda gave a great presentation with heaps of ideas. There are HEAPS of ideas here - some will feel right, others won't - I hope some help you.

Booking Success! AND Sponsoring Seed!

(To the hostess) Here I've got 6 votive roses and each one of them is especially important to you, because at ANY point during tonight's show that anyone here (turning toward the crowd) decides that they are enjoying themselves A LOT and are envious of all the goodies you're getting tonight that they want to schedule their own show then you get to give them one of these roses. It's their's to keep and when they take one it lets me know that when shopping time begins I'll need to date their show.

The first one (handing it to her), when taken, represents this months hostess specials that you will be able to choose from. PLUS all the other benefits you get as a hostess such as up to 20% product credit and % items.

The 2nd, thru 5th roses represent the various booking gifts that hostesses can choose from after those shows have held. (I show a booking gift at that point.)

Now the 6th and last rose is the MOST important because it's what I call the "Rose That Forever Blooms". When the 6th rose is taken tonight, that means you have now attained 6 bookings from your show, and you can earn yourself over $840 CASH in your first 2 weeks by becoming a consultant and using your show tonight as a starter show. The 6th rose continues to bloom as you continually make money with your new career.

I'll explain how awesome those roses can be for you later on as I present these beautiful products, the Hostess opportunity and the Income Opportunity but for now you hold onto those and as they disappear know that you are earning yourself some AWESOME stuff :

(Turning toward the crowd again) Remember at ANY point tonight you decide YOU want to have a show of YOUR own, just come on over and grab one of those roses from (hostess), I'm sure now that I've explained how it benefits her, she'll be more than happy to give you one.

After using the showcard encourage your guest to take a rose. You may think you are being pushy but your not it’s just scary to take a step out of your comfort zone.

When All Else Fails….

So you’ve tried everything during the show and order time - what to do if you don’t get a booking- I always make a point when wrapping it up to ask the group:

Ladies have you all enjoyed yourselves today? Who would love to come to another show?

This allows that if I don’t have a booking for me to say:

Ladies you all said you enjoyed yourselves and would like to come to another show but no one has booked. Well it looks like it will have to be me! I would really enjoy having you over at my house. We’ll make it a fun mystery hostess party and I’ll put all the names of people in a hat and draw a name to receive the hostess benefits that night. Would you prefer a Mon or Tue night in May? Always have a date in your calendar ready. Believe me they will come just to check out were you live. Encourage them with a small gift (votive rose) if they bring a friend.

Hostess Coaching

Hostess coaching plays a big part in ensuring you get bookings from your shows, work with your hostess, which booking gift does she want bribe her with a mystery gift for every booking she has before you arrive this makes your job easier and benefits her as well. Your hostess will know which of her friends will book a show.

Rebook Your Hostess

Why not rebook your hostess- I rebook all of my hostess’s and run a VIP hostess rewards program that works like this.

Jan they have their $250 voucher and end of catalogue party I get them all excited about the new catalogue release they are already over the moon about the minimum $350 free product that they are receiving.

They then have 2007 show- I now offer them the rewards program if they rebook with me now for spring summer and holiday catalogues they receive a ticket for every $100 in show sales they also receive a bonus 5 tickets for every booking that comes from their show. At the end of the year I host a VIP mystery xmas party all hostess receive a xmas gift from me they also get a chance to do some last minute shopping b4 xmas (payment on the day) then I have a some draws I use products that are being discontinued for prizes but to draw them in you need a major prize this could be something you have brought at conference shop but as these hostess’s have help you develop a successful business I always have WOW piece. But more importantly this hostess has had 4 bookings with you! And you have earn a $560 (based on bonusing and a $500 show average) from each of these hostess’s.

Lucky Door Slips/Wish List

Lucky door slips if you don’t take your own orders make sure you check these to see if someone has ticked that they would like a show that has not booked on the night.

Hostess Stacking

Hostess stacking creates a visual for the guest I like to stack a pervious hostess as well as the current hostess this really creates excitement or alternately you could have some stars with free and % marked on them and place them on product on your display.

Book to Look

Before the show make a few "book to look" envelopes. In each have a coupon for free candle, 20% off coupon item, 1/2 item of their choice, $25 gift certificate, or what ever you would like to give away. Give each guest an envelope and tell her not to open it until you say. After you tell everyone about the hostess benefits, let them know that the envelopes are a game and the only way you can open them is to book a show. This seems to work great, because it will drive them crazy wondering what is inside. (Let them open them now, but tell them that they get to cash it in at their show.)

For those of you who keep products on hand here is a great idea. If you have a hostess that works or just does not have the time to have an in home show offer her a basket party! Get a large basket, and get together everything you have on had that you want to get rid of. Put each item in cellophane nicely and place a small price tag on it. Give the hostess the basket and give her the hostess benefits accordingly. (This is a great way to get rid of overstock!) Or you can put current stock and the fragrance sampler inside this is also something that you could leave at your hairdressers or the teachers lunchroom etc follow up with a thank you to each guest that purchases something and talk to them about hosting a show. An added bonus to this is that because they have brought out of the basket and paid you can actually purchase new products with the money you make.

While taking orders at the show, stop half way through and announce to everyone at the show, "So far (hostess) has $$$ in sales. So far she is going to receive $$$ in free product, plus ___ items at half price, etc. But if she has at least one booking within 30 days she will receive $$$ in free product!!!” Additional bookings will earn her booking a gift. Sharing the excitement and the difference in free product with bookings as compared to no bookings makes all the difference in the world! It also gets new hostesses excited for their show because they see how easy it really is to go on a shopping spree!

Bribe ‘Em

At your show tell everyone that if they can give you a list of their friends that might enjoy the products (min of 5-10) that he or she can take 10% off her order. This is a great way to get in touch with others and possibly get bookings.


Tim Tam challenge- this is quick easy and fun give each guest a blank sheet of paper ask her to write the name of her favorite biscuits in the center and then on each finger the name of a friend that they think would love but wasn’t at today’s show, they have just created a guest list, let them know if they book a show that you’ll bring their favorite biscuits.

Most importantly create a desire, make your shows fun and guest will not be able to resist booking.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Candle Biz Update

Hi. I just wanted to say hello and to let you know a few things.
  1. For your diary - Our next Unit Meeting will be at Eliana’s house at 7:30 pm on May 23rd. Unit meetings provide training, recognition, and consultant networking. You are also allowed to invite potential new consultants to come and listen in (a great date to have handy if people are on the fence). You can also check out stock that you don’t have (Eliana has lots of items that you might not have). And finally, you should bring your return items with the accompanying Replacement Order Forms.
  2. For your diary – I do hope you will consider coming to conference in Melbourne July 19-21. Put it into your calendar just in case. It is an investment of time and money, but at the Conference you will learn how to Build Your Business and Make More Money – because that’s what it’s all about. Conference was a great way for me to get started two years ago. In addition to the training, and exposure to the Spring/Summer and Holiday Catalogs, you do also get some free products. It’s fun, too. Very inspiring.
  3. Bookings - Set yourself a goal each month. My goal is to have one show per week. It’s still part time. Because I have a high show average (I coach my hostesses pretty well), I figure I will be able to bonus (i.e. sell $2800 in each month) as long as I do at least 5 shows per month. You might want to do more. You might want to do less. At a minimum, I’d recommend having 2 shows per month. People do postpone shows, so it’s good to have a few more than your minimum in your diary. I’m happy to help you set up your goals. Also, if I know what you want, I can help you get there without pushing you too hard. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.
  4. Sponsoring - If you need any help sponsoring new consultants, I’ll help you. Don’t be afraid to offer someone else the opportunity to join – if they do want to learn more, and you feel uncomfortable, just call me.
  5. Open Invitation – You are welcome to join me at any of my shows to watch how I present. One person per show (so we don’t overwhelm the hostess). Just let me know if you’re interested. You might want to see other people, too. It’s good to watch. You don’t need to help. Just observe and take notes.

I guess that’ll do for now. Thanks for reading – I hope it helps you. Let me know.