Friday, April 27, 2007

Multiple Bookings

The following are some notes about getting Multiple Bookings from our recent training. Amanda gave a great presentation with heaps of ideas. There are HEAPS of ideas here - some will feel right, others won't - I hope some help you.

Booking Success! AND Sponsoring Seed!

(To the hostess) Here I've got 6 votive roses and each one of them is especially important to you, because at ANY point during tonight's show that anyone here (turning toward the crowd) decides that they are enjoying themselves A LOT and are envious of all the goodies you're getting tonight that they want to schedule their own show then you get to give them one of these roses. It's their's to keep and when they take one it lets me know that when shopping time begins I'll need to date their show.

The first one (handing it to her), when taken, represents this months hostess specials that you will be able to choose from. PLUS all the other benefits you get as a hostess such as up to 20% product credit and % items.

The 2nd, thru 5th roses represent the various booking gifts that hostesses can choose from after those shows have held. (I show a booking gift at that point.)

Now the 6th and last rose is the MOST important because it's what I call the "Rose That Forever Blooms". When the 6th rose is taken tonight, that means you have now attained 6 bookings from your show, and you can earn yourself over $840 CASH in your first 2 weeks by becoming a consultant and using your show tonight as a starter show. The 6th rose continues to bloom as you continually make money with your new career.

I'll explain how awesome those roses can be for you later on as I present these beautiful products, the Hostess opportunity and the Income Opportunity but for now you hold onto those and as they disappear know that you are earning yourself some AWESOME stuff :

(Turning toward the crowd again) Remember at ANY point tonight you decide YOU want to have a show of YOUR own, just come on over and grab one of those roses from (hostess), I'm sure now that I've explained how it benefits her, she'll be more than happy to give you one.

After using the showcard encourage your guest to take a rose. You may think you are being pushy but your not it’s just scary to take a step out of your comfort zone.

When All Else Fails….

So you’ve tried everything during the show and order time - what to do if you don’t get a booking- I always make a point when wrapping it up to ask the group:

Ladies have you all enjoyed yourselves today? Who would love to come to another show?

This allows that if I don’t have a booking for me to say:

Ladies you all said you enjoyed yourselves and would like to come to another show but no one has booked. Well it looks like it will have to be me! I would really enjoy having you over at my house. We’ll make it a fun mystery hostess party and I’ll put all the names of people in a hat and draw a name to receive the hostess benefits that night. Would you prefer a Mon or Tue night in May? Always have a date in your calendar ready. Believe me they will come just to check out were you live. Encourage them with a small gift (votive rose) if they bring a friend.

Hostess Coaching

Hostess coaching plays a big part in ensuring you get bookings from your shows, work with your hostess, which booking gift does she want bribe her with a mystery gift for every booking she has before you arrive this makes your job easier and benefits her as well. Your hostess will know which of her friends will book a show.

Rebook Your Hostess

Why not rebook your hostess- I rebook all of my hostess’s and run a VIP hostess rewards program that works like this.

Jan they have their $250 voucher and end of catalogue party I get them all excited about the new catalogue release they are already over the moon about the minimum $350 free product that they are receiving.

They then have 2007 show- I now offer them the rewards program if they rebook with me now for spring summer and holiday catalogues they receive a ticket for every $100 in show sales they also receive a bonus 5 tickets for every booking that comes from their show. At the end of the year I host a VIP mystery xmas party all hostess receive a xmas gift from me they also get a chance to do some last minute shopping b4 xmas (payment on the day) then I have a some draws I use products that are being discontinued for prizes but to draw them in you need a major prize this could be something you have brought at conference shop but as these hostess’s have help you develop a successful business I always have WOW piece. But more importantly this hostess has had 4 bookings with you! And you have earn a $560 (based on bonusing and a $500 show average) from each of these hostess’s.

Lucky Door Slips/Wish List

Lucky door slips if you don’t take your own orders make sure you check these to see if someone has ticked that they would like a show that has not booked on the night.

Hostess Stacking

Hostess stacking creates a visual for the guest I like to stack a pervious hostess as well as the current hostess this really creates excitement or alternately you could have some stars with free and % marked on them and place them on product on your display.

Book to Look

Before the show make a few "book to look" envelopes. In each have a coupon for free candle, 20% off coupon item, 1/2 item of their choice, $25 gift certificate, or what ever you would like to give away. Give each guest an envelope and tell her not to open it until you say. After you tell everyone about the hostess benefits, let them know that the envelopes are a game and the only way you can open them is to book a show. This seems to work great, because it will drive them crazy wondering what is inside. (Let them open them now, but tell them that they get to cash it in at their show.)

For those of you who keep products on hand here is a great idea. If you have a hostess that works or just does not have the time to have an in home show offer her a basket party! Get a large basket, and get together everything you have on had that you want to get rid of. Put each item in cellophane nicely and place a small price tag on it. Give the hostess the basket and give her the hostess benefits accordingly. (This is a great way to get rid of overstock!) Or you can put current stock and the fragrance sampler inside this is also something that you could leave at your hairdressers or the teachers lunchroom etc follow up with a thank you to each guest that purchases something and talk to them about hosting a show. An added bonus to this is that because they have brought out of the basket and paid you can actually purchase new products with the money you make.

While taking orders at the show, stop half way through and announce to everyone at the show, "So far (hostess) has $$$ in sales. So far she is going to receive $$$ in free product, plus ___ items at half price, etc. But if she has at least one booking within 30 days she will receive $$$ in free product!!!” Additional bookings will earn her booking a gift. Sharing the excitement and the difference in free product with bookings as compared to no bookings makes all the difference in the world! It also gets new hostesses excited for their show because they see how easy it really is to go on a shopping spree!

Bribe ‘Em

At your show tell everyone that if they can give you a list of their friends that might enjoy the products (min of 5-10) that he or she can take 10% off her order. This is a great way to get in touch with others and possibly get bookings.


Tim Tam challenge- this is quick easy and fun give each guest a blank sheet of paper ask her to write the name of her favorite biscuits in the center and then on each finger the name of a friend that they think would love but wasn’t at today’s show, they have just created a guest list, let them know if they book a show that you’ll bring their favorite biscuits.

Most importantly create a desire, make your shows fun and guest will not be able to resist booking.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Candle Biz Update

Hi. I just wanted to say hello and to let you know a few things.
  1. For your diary - Our next Unit Meeting will be at Eliana’s house at 7:30 pm on May 23rd. Unit meetings provide training, recognition, and consultant networking. You are also allowed to invite potential new consultants to come and listen in (a great date to have handy if people are on the fence). You can also check out stock that you don’t have (Eliana has lots of items that you might not have). And finally, you should bring your return items with the accompanying Replacement Order Forms.
  2. For your diary – I do hope you will consider coming to conference in Melbourne July 19-21. Put it into your calendar just in case. It is an investment of time and money, but at the Conference you will learn how to Build Your Business and Make More Money – because that’s what it’s all about. Conference was a great way for me to get started two years ago. In addition to the training, and exposure to the Spring/Summer and Holiday Catalogs, you do also get some free products. It’s fun, too. Very inspiring.
  3. Bookings - Set yourself a goal each month. My goal is to have one show per week. It’s still part time. Because I have a high show average (I coach my hostesses pretty well), I figure I will be able to bonus (i.e. sell $2800 in each month) as long as I do at least 5 shows per month. You might want to do more. You might want to do less. At a minimum, I’d recommend having 2 shows per month. People do postpone shows, so it’s good to have a few more than your minimum in your diary. I’m happy to help you set up your goals. Also, if I know what you want, I can help you get there without pushing you too hard. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.
  4. Sponsoring - If you need any help sponsoring new consultants, I’ll help you. Don’t be afraid to offer someone else the opportunity to join – if they do want to learn more, and you feel uncomfortable, just call me.
  5. Open Invitation – You are welcome to join me at any of my shows to watch how I present. One person per show (so we don’t overwhelm the hostess). Just let me know if you’re interested. You might want to see other people, too. It’s good to watch. You don’t need to help. Just observe and take notes.

I guess that’ll do for now. Thanks for reading – I hope it helps you. Let me know.

Sick Days

Two Fridays ago I started swallowing a bit and decided to have a few extra Boroccas to fight off any impending cold. Borocca is an effervescent pellet of Vitamins B and C and heaps of other chemicals that theoretically can keep you healthy. Boroccas are known in Australia for being used to help hangovers, and for that purpose, they are handy. I, however, have added them to my cold fighting regiment and they seem to be awfully good at that, too.

But not this time.

No, the sore throat prevailed, and a little cough developed. Mainly these ailments affect me at night - so my sleep is completely interrupted and then when I awake, I feel somewhat ok - push through the day's activities - and return to a restless, cough-filled sleep. The result is a half cold that has so far lasted 10 days.

So, today I am at home. It's the third day I've not gone into the office as a result of this cold. But, I can honestly say (and to me this is positive - to others it is a sign of my inability to STOP) that I've worked all three of those days. My job is too easy to do on the computer. I don't need to run around. I can get lots done right here. Sitting in my bathrobe. Dog next to me. Hot tea just a room away. (With lemon and honey, just like Jo told me to.)

Well - it hasn't helped. Brain activity must have something to do with the recovery process. I tried to turn it off last night by watching Talladega Nights: a stupid movie about nothing important. Mindless comedy. Only one degree of separation with Will Farrell from the Blue Oyster Cult - More Cowbell scene on SNL. (Go ahead - watch it again - it's worth it.)

Today I watched 5 minutes of Sex and the City. The problem is that I just feel guilty about staying home and watching crappy TV. There's too much to do!!!!! And I'm not sick enough. I don't feel dizzy. I don't feel tired (no more than normal). I'm just a little sore.

So here I am. Thought I'd blog. Say hello to the few people who check this thing out. Maybe update you on what's happening in my life.

But really, I'm sick. Need to stop - don't know how to. That's about it.

Maybe you have some advice for me. Or maybe you could share a little story about how you, too, can't stop - even when it's for your own good. You could write to me directly - but I encourage you to share your story with the other cool people who read this blog. They're all cool, you know - 'cause they're all my friends. So feel free to share a comment right here.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Death and Life and Outlook

I'm sitting at work and I can't concentrate. I just looked at my Outlook Contacts list and lost my train of thought....

Brent Steffey is in my contacts list. I learned this morning that he died a couple of days ago. He was probably 34. I never asked. I wish I had. An autopsy will hopefully tell us what took him away so young. He was fine on Sunday. He ate sushi that day with my family in Arizona. That's what we do on Sundays - Easter or not.

Lisa Whittaker is in my contacts list. She died of breast cancer last year. I just can't hit the delete button. I don't want to. When I see her name I remember her. Sometimes I smile - sometimes I get sad.

My Grandparents' birthdays will pop up in my reminders for years to come, because I can't hit delete.

We aren't here long. I'm going to enjoy it all. Please join me.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Wendy's New Calling

Except for my lisp, and perhaps some planning around what I'm going to say, I think I've got a new calling. Wendy on TV! Scary, huh?

I tried it for the first time this weekend at the East Coast Blues and Roots Festival. It doesn't really feel like work until I get back into the computer to try and put it all online for people. Then it feels like MAJOR work. In fact, the reason I'm writing this blog now is to waste some time while a video we took yesterday converts into a different file type and compression. It's exhausting. I bet the folks in my band, Silverhair, could do this work in their sleep. It's simply a matter of having the right tools, the right knowledge base, some talent, and TIME. That's all. How hard can it be?

Bloody difficult!

Anyway, the file just converted. I'm going to see if I can upload it to YouTube now. Hopefully it's small enough. Regardless, that'll take time, too - so I might be back. :)