I've been down with a cold for the last couple of days. I worked through it on Friday night and Saturday afternoon, and on Sunday I went to the Swans game where we absolutely demolished the Tigers. But on Monday and Tuesday this week, I let it take over and now I feel like I'm on the mend. Yesterday I told Tex that I was happy with the timing. It could have come when I have gigs or when I went to Thailand, so all in all, you couldn't ask for a better time to be under the weather.
Speaking of weather... HAY SOOS! The rain is pelting down right now. My iGoogle home page has the weather forecast for Boulder, Scottsdale, and Sydney. Scottsdale looks hot and dry. That's what I'm used to. I wonder if when I'm eighty years old if I'll be still bitching about rain? I bet so. Anyway, the dogs drive me absolutley crazy when I can't let them out to play in the mornings and afternoons. They're asleep right now, so I'll type quietly to keep them that way.
I just read Bob Lefsetz' blog. He is visiting Hong Kong. I couldn't help but cut out this quote for emphasis:
We keep on hearing how America is the greatest country in the world, but could that just be because nobody has ever been anywhere?
Ain't it the truth?!? Of course, in his next post he finds the third world parts of Hong Kong and begins to bitch about global warming, but the moral of the story has got to be that people should travel more.
Come to Sydney! :)
Then go to Thailand. :)
Well, that's all for now. Think I'll eat some breakfast, get dressed, and do something today. WLC.
PS - Before I go, I have a confession. I've been watching a lot of TV for the past few days. In fact, I've been watching TV lately. And you know what has suffered? Guitar and exercise. So (now that I'm feeling better) I'm renewing my commitment. No TV.
Hi there, I hope that you are feeling better. Nothing liek a holiday in the sun to allow your body to relax just enough to let a cold creep in unannounced. Jxx