Hi. Copper is in the Happy Tails hospital after being hit by a car on West Street this afternoon. He and Mogy were out together.
He will be ok. He’s had surgery done on his right rear leg and had 2 outside toes amputated. His left rear leg isn’t broken, but the tendons connecting the foot and the leg (his ankle, I suppose) have been severed, so he will need a little orthopaedic surgery early next week to reconnect them with some wire (or something like that). He will be in the doggie hospital until Wed or possibly Thursday. In the end he’ll be fine and the vets said he’s a lucky boy.
Alan and I have decided to visit him tomorrow morning (Saturday) at about 10:00 and then to make the trip north. I will return on Tuesday and then stay. Mogy and Alan will come back on the weekend.
I feel horrible (and a little bit guilty) for them getting out. It was very scary. I’m pretty upset and sad. I just wanted you to know, ‘cause you’d want to know. Love, (sniff) WLC.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Hi. Well, it’s been 5 days since our little boy has been at home. He is right around the corner, not 500 meters from where I sit. Less as the kookaburra flies. This afternoon I will go see him for the first time since Saturday.
I’ve had daily updates from the two vets taking care of him: Audrey and Alison. In a nutshell, he is going to be fine. His injuries are not life threatening. His back legs were run over, but he wasn’t “hit” by the car. It’s a matter of repairing the damage to his legs.
His right leg missing 2 toes (the left over toes will be fine and the wound is healing well – as long as Copper doesn’t lick the stitches anymore).
His left leg was scraped badly on the pavement. The bones weren’t broken, but the tendons connecting the foot and the leg (perhaps the “ankle”) were badly damaged. The bone was grazed too, but the fractures in it are “micro fractures” and should heal. The wound has been kept open so that the vets can clean it properly before closing it up. (WLC update: I scraped my foot in two places on the pavement when I got him from the incident and the healing process is – they needed (still need) a lot of TLC to get rid of infection. I think that’s what the vets are dealing with: dressing and redressing until the pus is gone. Sorry for the visual, but I think that’s the issue. Asphalt is nasty, dirty stuff.)
Anyway, the plan is to close his left leg tomorrow (Thursday). He may come home after that surgery (perhaps for the weekend?) or he may need to stay there so that he just stays still (I have a feeling he may stay there, because I would hate for him to mess up his dressing). Then, next week (or thereabouts), the orthopaedic surgeon will do a follow-up surgery to replace the tendons. That surgery consists of screws in his bones connected by a sort of wire that will act as the tendon.
He is on lots of pain meds and antibiotics. He is walking enough to do wees and poos (yay Copper!). He is as bright and happy as he can be in the cage.
I will update you again after I see him. I’m sure he’ll cry when I leave which will make me cry. So expect pictures and sobby mothering stuff in the next update. If I cry, you’re gonna cry, too. If I video with sound, you’ll hear him – that’ll get you.
Go buy pet insurance. I guess we’ve learned our lesson. Should of listened to Keith when he told us to do it. Oh well. I’ll just go sell even more candles. A Copper Fundraiser, think that’ll pull the heartstrings of my clients? Maybe you need some candles? (Insert cheeky grin and giggle there.) OK – I’m outta here. More later! WLC.
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