I walked this morning - with Mogy. And Ange. And Maria.
Then I went to work.
Then I came home and walked to the gym for my weekly personal training session.
- 60 Hindu squats
- 60 more....
- 12 push-ups (real ones)
- 10 more....
- 12 more ....
- 10 times down and up the stairs with a weighted ball over my head
- 5 times more...
- 5 times 30 second sprints on the stationary bike at over 100 rpm
- 3 times 30 second sprints on the treadmill at full elevation - who knows how slow/fast - probably slow
And after that I was BUGGERED! Had to sit on a chair to get my breath back - couldn't IMAGINE doing it all at a mile high - my lungs were fighting it all as it was.
Then I had to walk home. It's not far - only takes 10-12 minutes really. But I am buggered.
Def: Buggered: 1. broken; ruined; spoiled. 2. tired; exhausted. 3. euphemism for damned.
Yep - that's me. Buggered. #1 and #2 are the good matches.
Once I recover, I have to (sorry - get to) go to my guitar lesson. I can't remember the last one, so it looks like I should STOP BLOGGING and start thinking about the guitar.
Perhaps once I recover. Still buggered. Got my breath back, but can't think about moving yet.
Think I'll blog about the Swans next. Need to find a great shot of us at a Swans game. It won't be hard.
OK - I've procrastinated enough. Off I go. Hope you enjoyed this. Maybe it will inspire you to go get active, too. Or more. Or whatever. See ya!
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