Hi. Today I called 4 clients.
One loves her stuff and has only burned it once, but the smell in her home is beautiful. I bet she lights it again tonight.
Two wants to do a show in November. I told her my November is already starting to fill up, so we'd better get a date picked out that works for her. We booked November 17th. I'll send her a host pack in October. Two also received some square votives that were cracked and the wicks were too short. I told her I'd get that fixed right away. She loved that.
Three passed around the catalog at her work and got feedback that the products were too expensive. I asked her if she agreed and she doesn't. She decided she won't book a show now, but she understands the power of the demonstration. She hasn't checked her email yet, but is looking forward to reading Candle Connections.
Four was the host of the lady with the square votives. I called to let her know I was taking care of it. She asked if she could put the catalogs out at her school. I said sure, and let her know that a demonstration is more powerful. I also let her know that in September we have 30% product credit. She is thinking about having another show. She hasn't checked her email yet, but is looking forward to reading Candle Connections. I'll call her again next week....
So I'll put in a Replacement Order now and be done for the day. My calls for tomorrow are organised. Think I'll go do something for me ....
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