(Sorry, I have to interrupt this story for a minute. Here's what just happened: Mogy walked into the office. Copper (see the cute picture, that's Copper) was having an intense moment of biting my ankles and pulling at my jeans while I typed. Guess what? Mogy had a rope toy and actually teased Copper with it by grunting and waving it in his face. Yes, this is the same Mogy who I call the Sloth - he might get a new nickname soon. I took leave from my typing to get them outside onto the grass where I had a 3 minute "I wish I had a camera" moment. They were playing tug-of-war! Oh so cute to see 6.8 kilos versus 32.8 kilos. Mogy is going to LOVE Copper. In fact, I think he already does. Photos imminent.)

- Working for myself rather than for a corporation. I would have missed that moment above if I worked for a company. I would have had to get up at 6:00 in the morning, commute to work, deal with bosses and customers and employees, commute home, fit in life around work. Sorry... not for me.
- Not buying into the more money is better argument. Time is more valuable than anything else. Time spent with friends, family, art, nature. Money is the means, not the ends.
- Not watching TV. Although a relatively new phenomenon, this is a winner. I'd like to get rid of it. The computer is all I need.
- Moving to Sydney, Australia. Wow, what a great decision we made. I can't imagine living in the US any more. When I go back, I notice the difference. We could choose to live in a material world here, too and lots of people do choose to. But not us - and it took moving here to break the cycle.
- Starting this blog. I'm so glad that I started this blog. It is nice to be able to read back. It's nice to be able to share a bit about myself and the various hats I wear. My opening statement is proving to be pretty rock solid. Even if is is just for me, I really like it.
- Marrying Alan. Nineteen is pretty young. I am so happy that I had the courage to say yes. I am so happy that he had the courage to ask. I'm so happy that we have the tenacity to change together. We are not the same people we were when we met - heck, we're not the same people we were 10 years ago. And it's getting better all the time.
- Not having children. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. It's just not for us. No regrets. Puppies are going to fit the bill just fine.
Forty-two. Only forty-two.
My friends and family mean more to me than money. I know I have to get better at making money while still making the type of choices I've made, but I know I will. I already have.
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