When people have candlabras, I find they are rarely used. If they don’t have a taper candlabra, I describe a typical taper candlabra – over in the corner, dusty, cheap bent or crooked candles from the heat, possibly cobwebs/dust, probably newspaper underneath to catch the drips. Just as an example (because I don't have a candlabra), the picture to the right shows a peglight next to a drippy candlestick.
Peglights resuscitate the candlabra and probably move it out of the corner!
I pull out a peglight, share the above, and when I light it in the host’s candelabra – or in my taper holder (pointing out light, scent, colour, and no drips - they don’t have to worry about a ceiling fan or a light breeze going through the room), they buy multiples (at $15.95 each, but I remind them that they will last forever), they buy votives, and burn more candles (so they buy more later). Brilliant. Probably works at every other show. I sell 3-5 peglights at a time. And the peglight is tiny, so it fits in my bag no matter what.
Peglights resuscitate the candlabra and probably move it out of the corner!
I pull out a peglight, share the above, and when I light it in the host’s candelabra – or in my taper holder (pointing out light, scent, colour, and no drips - they don’t have to worry about a ceiling fan or a light breeze going through the room), they buy multiples (at $15.95 each, but I remind them that they will last forever), they buy votives, and burn more candles (so they buy more later). Brilliant. Probably works at every other show. I sell 3-5 peglights at a time. And the peglight is tiny, so it fits in my bag no matter what.
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